![]() A Theory of Existence Prologue From Earth everyone can see the ball of energy, “The Sun” in the sky. If this energy were to die all the planets would move out of orbit, and life as we know will cease to exist. Man is unable to turn the Sun on and off, but he has learned how to “harness” the energy which, in my mind is very different to “control”. Some believe the everything has energy just as I do. Each human being is born of energy. We are forever trying to harness this energy with the power of our minds. To this very day we do not fully understand the capabilities of the mind and how to control our energy. There are things that we naturally perform seemingly without our consent. We feel joy, pain, hurt, sorrow, anger, etc. Your body tells “you” when it requires rest and most importantly fuel. Most would agree that we are still trying unsuccessfully to both harness and control our individual energy. Theory To contemplate, “existence” we always attempt to start from the very “beginning”, where we continue to research and on which we seemingly can’t agree. I for one don’t really think it matters. I think it is simply “because it was possible”. It is like asking my mother and father, “Why did you create me?” and the only answer they could provide, “Because we could”. I recently watched the Matrix again and wondered how someone could come up with such an elaborate plot. There was one reoccurring theme that stood out to me, “energy”. Energy can exist in a variety of forms, such as vitality, strength, electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, or nuclear, and can be transformed from one form to another. It is measured by the amount of work done. I had to watch the trilogy to confirm what I was feeling. At some point, I will research the writers’ philosophy and how they came up with the movie but, before I do that, I want to do a mind dump on what I mean by “energy”. When I think about energy, I think about its existence in everything including the role it plays. In order for a person to be able to fight, they must first have the energy. Everyone has energy because we are born with it. In the Matrix, that is the true key to the “war”. Both Man and Machine require energy. I don’t want to get into the idea of why a machine would want to exist, but let’s just agree that Man programed the Machine to exist. You can also say that God or whatever you believe created Man, i.e., programed Man to exist. To keep things simple, both Man and Machine require energy to exist and the absence of energy is death. If you take a step back, you might agree that ALL was started by some form of energy. In order for Man to win the war in the movie, they would need to kill the energy source of the Machine. In order for the Machine to win, it required a constant energy source. It seemed to me that the Machine understood that it required Man to some extent for it to continue to exist. Morpheus stated something to the fact that he didn’t know who struck first but we have to assume nuclear war was a last-ditch effort for Man to kill the Machines, mainly because of the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and also the resulting dark cloud cover (the radioactive dust and ash from the explosion) that shielded the earth’s surface from the sun. Supposedly, these two things would kill the energy sources for all Machines. Nuclear war should kill everything because everything relies on the sun, which I consider the main energy source for all things. In the movie the Machines figure out another source of energy: Man. There was another part in the movie when one of the Elders stated to Neo something to the fact that, it is ironic that the very thing that is trying to kill us is also keeping us alive. In that statement, we are introduced to “control”. The Elder pointed out that there is an illusion of control that exists; Man is empowered by knowing he could unplug the life support machine, but Man also knows the consequence is death for both Man and Machine. In essence, Man causes death to the very thing that allows Man to exist. I had an argument the other day. It was a meaningless argument where we both exerted energy. Two individuals equate to two energy sources. In the argument, I said something that caused the other person to get angry. Simply put, the two energy sources collided. What if we understood the nature of this energy as a natural process that we truly are unable to control at an unconscious level? When we argue, there are two sources of energy competing for control. For the argument to be resolved, the energies require some form of control to either cooperate or disconnect. This control comes in the form of laws that are governed by some agreed set threshold or conditions. What I think we fail to realize is that the energy is constant and never ceases to exist. There will always be competing energy. Man and Machine argue over control. Whomever has the most energy will win the argument or have the illusion of control. Since energy is constant, control is necessary. Existence is energy that we continually fight to control.
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